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David Crombie

NOTA candidate for Burlington
Long term vision is the 3 R's, electoral REFORM, RECALL elections and REFERENDUMS to provide real democracy and accountability from our politicians.

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With a background in systems and an entrepreneurial
history, customer service and bringing joy to my customers has always been my priority.
My current passion project is a non-profit in development for Narcissistic Abuse Awareness and Recovery, the first of its kind.

Reason for running

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My Reason for running under the NOTA - Direct Democracy ticket is to educate people on the need for electoral reform. All parties have admitted that "first past the post" does not represent the interests of the public yet none have done anything to change this.

The Issues will always be the issues, but without proportional representation we are trapped in this endless cycle of 35-40% of the vote claiming majority governance. We need the representatives to work together for all members of society and not the extreme adgenda of either side. Our represenatives need to be held accountable just as anyone else is in their job using recall elections. Ballot initiatives (referendums) of Issues of importance to the electorate would also provide a greater degree of direct democracy.

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