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Joedy Burdett

Independent candidate for Niagara Falls
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Over the past 30 years, I have run a successful business, challenged government decisions when others wouldn’t, I believe I have the skills to learn quickly, adapt, and earn your trust, proving that you made the right decision in electing me.

I was born in St. Catharines, raised in Thorold, Thorold South, and Chippawa, and eventually made Niagara Falls my home. Now in my late 50s, I’ve enjoyed a life filled with varied experiences.

Though my mother passed away when I was young, my retired father now lives in St. Davids. I have three brothers and sisters. One of my sisters works at the Welland Hospital, while another serves as a counselor in Toronto. One of my brothers works in Fort Erie for the bridge commission, and another is in a local labor union. The remaining siblings are enjoying life in Montreal and New Brunswick.

Most of the original Burdetts came from and still reside in British Columbia. A close friend of mine, who is involved with genealogy, kindly traced my relatives back to England and Eastern Europe. My great-grandfather was born in England and moved to Alberta, Canada, when he was one year old.

I’ve been the self-employed owner of Niagara Tinting in downtown Niagara Falls for nearly 30 years. When I’m not working, building, or participating in city council here in Niagara, I love to travel and immerse myself in different cultures—I’ve visited dozens of countries so far. In fact, my travels have covered distances that would circumvent the globe several times over. I never want to stop learning something new.

Here is a link to the Google reviews related to my business, Niagara Tinting. I do not solicit reviews; each one comes from someone who took the time, of their own free will, to share their experience for the benefit of others. As a self-employed professional, every review reflects not just my business activities, but also how I approach every task—whether it be providing customer service or representing you in Parliament as an MPP.

I’ve worked hard for everything I’ve achieved—nothing was handed to me. With nearly 30 years of experience as a self-employed businessman, I’ve developed a strong sense of financial responsibility, which will guide my actions as your MPP.

I understand the challenges faced by everyday people because I live them myself. I’m acutely aware of the rising costs and financial burdens we all bear, and I am committed to changing the status quo. While fulfilling my duties to the province as a whole, I will always prioritize the needs and interests of our local community in every decision I make. My goal is to improve the quality of life for my constituents.

Adaptability and dynamism are essential traits for elected officials. To demonstrate my ability to learn and adapt, you might be interested to know that I personally designed and built a 12,000 sq/ft, five-story building. This project gave me firsthand knowledge of the skills and processes involved in construction. Not many candidates can claim to understand the intricacies of building the new housing we desperately need. Understanding a process is the first step to improving it.

Over the past 30 years, I have run a successful business, challenged government decisions when others wouldn’t, and shown the tenacity needed to succeed as an independent MPP. Out of nearly 5 million residents in Ontario, I am one of the very few willing to take on this challenge. I believe I have the skills to learn quickly, adapt, and earn your trust, proving that you made the right decision in electing me.

Reason for running

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As a resident, you are generally not permitted to directly involve yourself in provincial parliament activities. It is my role to be available to you locally, listen to your questions or concerns, and then research the provincial legislature’s position to report back to you.

In some cases, I may find that there is support for your cause and pursue a solution. In other cases, I may find no interest, and pursuing the matter further may not be an efficient use of your time. I would not withhold either finding.

When I am not pursuing your direct inquiries, I work to advance our community’s general wants and needs and ensure that proposed legislation benefits our local riding in both the short and long term.

It is also my role to provide a public information stream for those who wish to stay apprised of what is happening in the background at the provincial level.

Working in the Background for you

As stated above, when I am not pursuing your direct inquiries, I will be working to advance our community’s general wants and needs and ensure that proposed legislation benefits our local riding in both the short and long term. When addressing such matters within provincial chambers, these are the general opinions and directions I will be forwarding on the following topics. Knowing this now, you can decide if, when working in the background, my efforts align with your choices. As your representative, these will be the goals I will be forwarding for you. This will provide you with a clear understanding of my priorities and actions.

If you vote for me, this is what I will be doing for you in the background, ensuring your voice is heard and your interests are represented.

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