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Shannon Boschy


Food costs

Shannon Boschy's promises

to tell the truth about food costs.
Job creation and economic growth solve the problem of food prices.
We cannot solve problems if we cannot define them. True profit margins are less than 2%.

Post-secondary costs and loans

Shannon Boschy's promises

Cut provincial funding for vanity programs like Gender Studies and anything to do with Critical Theory. (most of the humanities)
Gut education-system pipelines driving children to useless university degrees.
Shift funding to and promote skilled trades, technology, engineering, medicine.


Shannon Boschy's promise

A rising tide floats all boats. Invest in growing the economy.

Climate Change & the Environment

Climate adaptation

Shannon Boschy's promise

Encourage and incentivize individual choices

Conservation and environmental protection

Shannon Boschy's promises

Not at the expense of our most vulnerable. Let the market decide.
Punish polluters and offenders vs engineer outcomes

Electric vehicles

Shannon Boschy's promise

Generally useless for reducing environmental problems and carbon impact.

Mining and minerals

Shannon Boschy's promise

Get rid of the gatekeepers. Shorten development cycles and get our minerals to the global market.


Shannon Boschy's promise

I'm not in favor of pollution.


Shannon Boschy's promise

Forests Fires are natural. Forest management is required to prevent wildfires. This means harvesting and replanting; or prescribed burns


Indigenous learning

Shannon Boschy's promise

Tell the truth about history. It's complicated and nuanced and there are no mass graves. Canadians today owe no guilt for the past.

K-12 funding

Shannon Boschy's promises

The more money we throw at public ed run by activist unions, the worse results we get.
We need Charter Schools & Vouchers. This makes schools accountable directly to their communities; instead of relying on central planning.

K-12 learning needs

Shannon Boschy's promise

Right to Read implementation with career-impacting consequences for teachers, principals and board who do not comply.

LGBTQ+ students

Shannon Boschy's promises

No more flags and political activism for special interest groups.
Criminal prosecution for promoting sex changes and the idea that children can be born in the wrong body.
End the affirmation model in public ed. End careers for keeping secrets from parents about gender identity.

Post-secondary costs and loans

Shannon Boschy's promises

Cut provincial funding for vanity programs like Gender Studies and anything to do with Critical Theory. (most of the humanities)
Gut education-system pipelines driving children to useless university degrees.
Shift funding to and promote skilled trades, technology, engineering, medicine.

Post-secondary institutions and funding

Shannon Boschy's promise

Cuts. Lots of Cuts.

School curriculum

Shannon Boschy's promises

Limit what teachers can teach to the curriculum only
Get politics OUT of classrooms and measure teachers based on performance outcomes in core competencies Math, Reading, Science, and Literacy

Student mental health

Shannon Boschy's promises

Suck it up buttercup. We are training a generation of pathetic weaklings who can't handle real-world issues.
We need to teach resilience instead of victimhood. Fostering resilience is THE proven pathway to strong mental-health.


Shannon Boschy's promises

Invest in the Skills Gap. Promote trades as an honorable, prosperous and rewarding career with unlimited income potential.
Bring back streaming in schools, identifying talent and aptitude for trades. Our houses will not build themselves.

Housing & Homelessness


Shannon Boschy's promises

Invest in the Skills Gap. Promote trades as an honorable, prosperous and rewarding career with unlimited income potential.
Bring back streaming in schools, identifying talent and aptitude for trades. Our houses will not build themselves.

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour

Mining and minerals

Shannon Boschy's promise

Get rid of the gatekeepers. Shorten development cycles and get our minerals to the global market.


Shannon Boschy's promise

A rising tide floats all boats. Invest in growing the economy.


Shannon Boschy's promises

Invest in the Skills Gap. Promote trades as an honorable, prosperous and rewarding career with unlimited income potential.
Bring back streaming in schools, identifying talent and aptitude for trades. Our houses will not build themselves.

Society & Government

Indigenous reconciliation

Shannon Boschy's promise

Tell the Truth. It's the first step in Truth and Reconciliation.

Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people

Shannon Boschy's promises

2-Spirit people are an invention of white liberal women in universities. It's a bizarre cultural appropriation and projection.
The vast majority of Missing/Murdered Indigenous women and girls were killed by indigenous men.

Justice system

Shannon Boschy's promises

Dismantle the Ontario Human Rights Commission, a supra-judicial bureaucracy corrupted by paramoral, anti-human,polices
End the move towards "Positive Discrimination" as supported by OHRC. Return simply to punishing negative discrimination.

US border

Shannon Boschy's promise

We should do what it takes to make sure it continues to exist.
This candidate hasn't added promises to VoteMate.

They may still in the future!

In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.


submitted by the candidate or their team
Financial Professional (BFA, CFP, CIM) Dad, Adult Human Male, Free-Speech, Parental Rights, Pro-Human Values, Leftugee

Shannon Boschy is a father in a blended family who raised four children and has lived in the region for almost thirty years.  

While living north of Ottawa, he was active in the community of Chelsea, presiding as board member and treasurer of the Chelsea Foundation, which built the Meredith Centre Arena and Community Centre. He was a member of the Seniors Housing Committee, and was a coordinator and coach with Soccer Chelsea and when his children were school-age.  

He has had executive roles with business associations in both Chelsea and in Ottawa since 2005 and runs a successful Financial Planning and Wealth Management Practice as a partner with a local firm.  

He is a co-founder of The Parents Rights Coalition of Canada, a resource hub for parent-led groups across Canada concerned about radical ideological activism in public education. He ran for Ottawa Public School Trustee in 2022 on a platform to remove gender ideology and the practice of keeping mental health secrets from parents, from schools.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
We need major institutional reform. A radical leftist ideology that no-one voted for has taken over our public education system and our public institutions.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a set of nice-sounding words that accomplish the opposite of what they claim.

This leftist political ideology subverts human flourishing and the aims of a high-trust society. It teaches children to hate our society by presenting a false and distorted version of history.

The political left controls our sense-making institutions and the bureaucracies that manage our lives. Those institutions, like the Ontario Human Rights Commission, have adopted corrupt, anti-human and anti-social policies that run contrary to human flourishing.

We have allowed Sociologists and English professors, and a generation of activists to redefine biology in the name of equity.

Ontario Conservatives REFUSE to do anything about this phenomenon, sometimes called Critical Social Justice, or Wokeness.

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