We would cut Provincial Sales Tax by 3%, resulting in paying 10% HST instead of the current 13%. This would immediately reduce the cost of goods and services for all citizens of Ontario.
The Ontario Party would eliminate Provincial Income Tax completely for anyone under the age of 30 and making less than 200k per year.
The Ontario Party is also planning a 65% Property Tax Reduction for Seniors; ensuring elderly Ontarians can afford to stay in their homes. The Ontario Party will subsidize municipalities for this and use cost-cutting measures and revenue generation in other areas to support this.
We would work to support provincial infrastructure projects such as the James Bay Port project. We would work to eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers. We would eliminate the practice of ‘health-care tourism’ and require visitors to Ontario to have their own private medical insurance in place prior to taking advantage of our health care services. This alone could save the province a significant amount of money. Ontario is such a rich province, there is no reason we cannot reduce taxes for everyone. Instead, government corruption and wasteful spending have caused taxes to continually rise.