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Kristen Halfpenny

Giving power back to farmers, business owners, parents and communities is one of the best things we can do for our economy and our society. The government needs to have greater accountability.

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Kristen Halfpenny has a diverse professional background including farming and beekeeping, business consulting and as a regional organizer for the New Blue Party of Ontario. She is also a singer and songwriter.

Kristen Halfpenny is a dedicated advocate for positive change, with a diverse background spanning beekeeping, business consulting, and finance. Her broad experience has shaped her deep compassion for people from all walks of life. Since 2022, she has found success and fulfillment working with the New Blue Party of Ontario.

Raised in a rural farming community and later living in the city, Kristen understands the importance of preserving farmland while supporting responsible growth. She is passionate about health and wellness, attainable environmentalism, and humanitarian efforts—key motivations for her candidacy in Flamborough-Glanbrook.

A self-motivated researcher and strong advocate, Kristen is committed to helping those in need. Her unwavering faith in God fuels her resilience and determination to serve everyone, regardless of their views.

For too long, governments at all levels have been controlled by a select few, with too many representatives avoiding necessary debates. Kristen will stand with conviction, common sense, and integrity to restore honesty and accountability in politics.

Reason for running

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If we continue down this path, soon there won’t be a democratic system anymore. We will just be told how things are without the ruse of a fake election, where the highest bidder makes the rules, like city councils changing by-laws to eliminate new parties from advertising.

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