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Josh Rachlis

Independent candidate for Ottawa Centre
Healthy, happy lives

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I'm an ad copywriter, comedian, musician and artist who went viral in December when a woman made a video about my background acting in Hot Frosty. I want to make Ottawa a destination for tourism and film shoots. And I want to feature your projects on my social media!
Bonjour! J'ai pris l'immersion française quand j'étais un étudiant, mais c'est quand même difficile d'écrire en français. Je suis désolé.

You can read my full platform at But here's a brief summary:

First, I want to say that I want to put the spotlight on YOU! If you have any projects, a business, a drawing, an idea, an issue... I could talk about it on my social media, and even interview you if you want. So email or DM me.

I'm an Ottawa actor, comedian, cartoonist and musician, who is now famous on TikTok in this video about my background acting in Hot Frosty that has 2.7M views. I want to promote Ottawa to the world by having us featured in even more movies. I also want to use the power of social media to promote Ottawa, like I'm doing with my viral TikTok videos where I comment on what I spot on my walks around Ottawa Centre, like when I report on the skaters on the canal, or on The Green Door restaurant.

I want all of us to be healthy and live as long as possible. Heck, I'm hoping that technology soon makes it possible to live forever! So instead of just treating people once they're deep into diseases, I want the government to fund scans and tests that can detect diseases while it's still easy to treat them.

I pick up litter on my walks, and I want us to have a deposit for pop cans like we do on beer cans. This will mean the litter gets picked up, and it would even be a way you could make money from helping keep our streets clean.

I want us to use the latest tech, like A.I., to help students like you learn about the things you love and at your own speed.

Oh, and if I'm elected, I'll do a weekly (or maybe daily?) podcast and YouTube show about Ottawa Centre, so that everyone can keep up on what's happening and everyone can share their ideas, questions and concerns.

What do you think of my ideas? Do you have ideas too? I'd love to hear your ideas, so that I can help share those ideas with the province.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
I'm running to show you that anyone can run. You don't have to feel powerless. You can take control of your life. I'm also running to help us all live longer, healthier, happier lives.

I'm running Independent, so it's just me doing all the work. I'm doing it to show you that YOU can do it. Once you turn 18, that is. But there was a girl in Toronto who ran for mayor when she was 18, and she got lots of media coverage. So whatever age you are now, you could start planning your election campaign now. Today you could change your Facebook banner image to include the caption: "Future candidate for MPP of Ottawa Centre."

Also, by running in the election, I get some media exposure. For instance, I got to be part of the debate on Rogers TV, and viewers got to hear my ideas. So, you can see that running in an election is a good way of sharing your ideas with the community.

Running in an election is also a great way to meet the people in your community. You can knock on doors, hand out flyers, reply to comments on your social media. I love doing all of that. I love meeting people and I love helping people, and running in an election is a great way to make those things happen.

I'm running because I care about the environment. I want us all to live health lives with less pollution. I pick up litter when I go for my walks. And by running in the election, I can spread the message that we should all care about the environment.

I want to live forever, because I have so much I want to accomplish. And currently, our health care system focuses on helping patients once they're very sick. I want us to focus more on keeping us from getting sick in the first place! We can do this by supporting exercise and health foods and a cleaner environment. We can also do this by paying for body scans and blood tests that can catch diseases like cancer when they're still easy to treat. My aunt died from pancreatic cancer during the pandemic. It's a disease that's so deadly because you don't notice it until it's already too late. But we have the technology to catch that disease while it's still treatable, if we actually do the tests. When I'm rich, I want to sign up for a company called Fountain Life, which charges $20,000 USD a year to do all the tests for you, to catch any problems early. I wonder if we could pay to do this test for all Ontarians? Wouldn't that be amazing? Not only would fewer people die from diseases, it would also save the money that we normally have to pay to take care of people who are very sick.

I would love to hear about any ideas or accomplishments you want to tell me about. And if you want, I could talk about them on my social media. Let's make Ottawa Centre better together!

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