Prevent flooding by stopping the paving of wetlands, including by banning 400 series highways in the Greenbelt
"In addition to supporting farmers by stopping the paving of prime farmland, we’ll also protect your basement from flooding by stopping the paving of wet- lands. Wetlands act as a critical buffer to protect our homes from flooding, absorbing rainwater during intense storms that are only increasing in intensity, frequency and cost due to climate change. Unfortunately, Doug Ford’s approach of destroying wetlands with wasteful projects like Highway 413, and his attack on Conservation Authorities, is increasing the risk of your home flooding in the next big storm. In addition to protecting wetlands, we’ll make it easier for families to flood-proof their basements with zero-interest loans, and support cities to spruce up their roads, bridges and buildings to be ready for the next torrential downpour." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22
Adopt a province-wide net-gain wetland policy to increase protections for wetlands and reverse Ontario Wetland Evaluation System changes
"Adopt a provide-wide net-gain wet- land policy to increase protections for wetlands and reverse Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES) changes; update and implement Ontario’s 2017 Wetland Strategy" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22