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Housing & Homelessness

Homeless services platforms

Here's what the 2025 Ontario election parties are promising.


  • Provide $75.5M for programmes that provide long-term stable housing and temporary accommodations for people living in encampments

    "Providing municipalities and police with new resources and enforcement tools to address the growing problem of homeless encampments and crack down on illegal drug use in parks and public spaces, including by dedicating $75 .5 million for programs that provide more long-term stable housing and temporary accommodations for those living in encampments." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Increase penalties on people living in encampments

    "Passing the Safer Municipalities Act, which is supported by mayors across the province, to provide tools to keep public places safe by increasing penalties on people who continually and deliberately trespass on private and public lands in illegal encampments, and specifically banning the consumption of illegal drugs in all public spaces and encampments." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26


  • Provincially fund homeless shelters, community housing, and homelessness prevention programmes

    "Homelessness has tripled since 2016 and is rising faster in Northern Ontario than in southern Ontario. This has imposed an especially high burden on Northern Ontario municipalities, which are left stuck paying the price for provincial policy failures. An Ontario NDP government will upload the costs of community housing, shelters and homelessness prevention programs back to the province where they belong." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

    "We will help municipalities address their housing needs. We will upload the cost of housing, emergency shelters, and homelessness prevention programs back to the province, while maintaining locally focused delivery through municipal service managers. We’ll work with municipalities to create incentives for affordable housing in the marketplace, including development charge easements." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Liberal policies on Homeless services.


  • Immediately support people living in encampments with their housing and support needs until permanent housing solutions are built
  • Take responsibility for shelter costs

    "Upload costs to the province that had previously been unfairly downloaded onto municipalities like community housing, shelters, and transit funding" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create tax credits and investment funds to help develop supportive modular housing technologies

    "Create tax credits and investment funds to help advance these housing technologies" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Use a Housing First model to ensure stable, permanent housing solutions are the first priority

    "Utilise a Housing First model to ensure that stable, permanent housing solutions are the first priority when helping those in need" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Deploy temporary and permanent supportive modular housing on provincially-owned land as quickly as possible

    "Deploy temporary and permanent supportive modular housing projects on provincially owned land as quickly as possible." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Resume the homelessness census

    "Immediately support people living in encampments with their housing and support needs until permanent housing solutions are built and resume the homelessness census cancelled by the Ford government to ensure we create sustainable, long-term solutions" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Engage with people who have experienced homelessness when developing programmes

    "Engage people who have lived experience with homelessness in program development." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Build a data system for housing indicators that captures underlying trends of people with unmet housing needs

    "Build an adequate data system for housing indicators in Ontario that captures the underlying trends of people with unmet housing needs" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create an inter-ministerial working group to coordinate government investments targeting homelessness

    "Create an inter-ministerial working group to ensure government investments targeting homelessness are coordinated, appropriately funded and provide long-term solutions" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Increase annual funding for women's shelters and culturally-appropriate transitional and supportive housing for women and their families

    "Increase annual funding for women’s shelters as well as safe and accessible transitional and supportive housing options for women and their families. Ensure transitional housing is culturally appropriate" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Mandate standards to have safe, accessible, all-gender washrooms in all public spaces

Looking for the parties' positions on other topics?

See our full 2025 Ontario election platform comparison