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Randy Williams

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Randy is a third generation Canadian who has always considered himself as a Conservative. He has for a very long time been political in his thoughts and strongly believes in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He also thinks that today's political parties have lost the understanding of who they serve. He feels today's politicians want to control the citizen over serving them.

Randy has never ran for politics, but has seen what politics are doing to this country, especially over these last few decades.

As a 37 year trucker, he can bring a totally different perspective in how politics should be. This can start by rebuilding the trust of the electorate.

Randy feels that there are way too to talk to those who are disillusioned to rebuild that trust.

To start, he believes that all people have basic core values of Family, God, The Rule of Law, Freedom and Respect of others. If we can bring those people closer together we can win the day.

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