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Rhonda Jubenville

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The New Blue Party is Ontario's fifth largest political party. The New Blue is a true conservative party that will provide a voice for those conservatives who feel abandoned by Doug Ford's PCs.

Born and raised in Chatham-Kent, Rhonda Jubenville learned the value of business and 

customer service early, growing up in her family’s building supply company. Her deep 

roots in local business fuel her passion for supporting the community. 

A dedicated leader, Rhonda has served over 25 years in church lay ministry, 17 years on a 

local youth sports board, and since 2022, as a Chatham-Kent Municipal Councillor,

always putting constituents first. 

She has witnessed Ontario’s decline under the McGuinty, Wynne and Ford governments,

with reckless spending and failing healthcare, long-term care, education, and small

business policies. As a fiscal conservative, she knows Ontarians need real relief. 

The New Blue Party was founded to fight for true conservative values after Doug Ford’s

PC Party abandoned them. Ejected for standing up for Ontarians, Belinda Karahalios and 

her husband Jim, built the New Blue to offer a real alternative—one that prioritizes fiscal 

responsibility, individual freedoms, and accountable leadership. Rhonda supports all 

of these initiatives.  

Being a Municipal Councillor, Rhonda has already showcased that she can follow 

Belinda’s lead; she won’t back down and she’s not afraid to stand alone.

Reason for running

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After seeing a steady decline in our province, from healthcare to education and watching Ontarians not being able to afford to live, I felt I had to help by running for an ideological conservative party that would move forward instead of backward.

Knowing that Municipalities are creatures of our province, we need help and funding from them. Since I wouldn't be beholden to the governing party, I would have a free and independent voice that could advocate for people by, empowering individuals, strengthening our democracy, defending taxpayers, promoting small business and agriculture, and standing up for faith and families. None of the other parties can do this. I am one of two local candidates in this riding. The others live outside of Chatham-Kent or Leamington. It is important to elect a local representative to the provincial legislature. I will advocate for my constituents, just like I have done for the past 2.5 years.

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