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Jamie Dookie

Independent for Mississauga Mayor
My passion to deliver Accountable & Transparent Governance to the residents in the City of Mississauga. Making sure the Property Owners can be less stressed living in Mississauga, not having to chose between paying increased Property taxes and putting food on their table


submitted by the candidate or their team
An Accomplished Academic Professional raising my family in Mississauga for more than 34 years. I have held Senior Management roles in the Public & Private sectors. Also been a Federal & Municipal elections candidate in Canada. I have advised Prime Ministers and Presidents.



  1. Vice President- Star Industrial Supply Company (11/2021-2023
  2. CASEY HOUSE HOSPICE (4/2021-8/2021) – Management Consultant - Contract
  3. University of Toronto- Project Procurement Officer (2021- 2021-2 Months Contract)
  4. Reena-Procurement Officer (2016-2018) Senior Management Consultant – Contract
  5. Set up and manage P2P for Clients billing and payments
  6. MONEY PLUS EXPRESS – Chief Operating Officer (2013-2016) - Contract                                                              
  7. OTHER Projects- Provided strategic advice to Governments on trade and business opportunities in the global marketplace that opened the doors for support from the bureaucratic institutions and encouraged more companies to seek partnership in the international business environment
  8. Liaised with Diplomats and Consular Officials in researching and identifying trade possibilities and potential partnership for business already positioned in the global marketplace (Canada, Caribbean & the Americas)

TORONTO GRACE HEALTH CENTRE                                                                                  Director of Purchasing, Materials & Logistics 

CENTRE FOR ADDICTION & MENTAL HEALTH (PAHO & WHO), Director, Procurement & Materials

PROGRESSIVE MOULDED PRODUCTS LTD, VAUGHN,                Director of Purchasing & Logistics

AMAR’S HOLDINGS WI LTD, TRINIDAD                                                                    Vice President Procurement & Global Logistics


CRCMP – Certified Risk and Compliance Management Professional, IARCMP, Washington,

PMP- PMI Project Management Certificate - Sheridan Institute of Arts and Technology, Brampton, ON                2011

CCLP – Canadian Certified Logistics Professional CITT, Toronto,

CITT=Certified in Traffic & Transportation, CITT, Toronto,

CSCMP-Certified Supply Chain Management Professional, SCMAO, Toronto,

CTE-Certified Travel & Hospitality Expert- NBTA – North American Business Travel

CPP- Certified Professional Purchaser – PMAC

Ph.D- Doctor of Philosophy (Operations Management)

MBA- Master of Business Administration (Business & Finance)

TQM/KAIZEN Certificate – University of Kentucky,

OMDP-Business Management Diploma–Ontario Ministry of Universities

CGA Level 111- Certified General Accountant –CGA,


  1. QE 11 Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012) - Government of Canada
  2. Timothy Street Medal (2014)-Government of Canada
  3. Ontario (25 yr) volunteer Service Award (2014) – Government of Ontario
  4. Ontario Legislature – Leadership of EHPH (2010 – Government of Ontario)
  5. Region of Halton – Education Program Delivery Epilepsy – Halton Region


  1. Expert- Inclusion & Diversity Consultant (Programs, Engagement, Equity & Fairness)  
  2.  Top Level Secret Security Clearance -Public Works Government Service Canada                    
  3. Ontario Health Agency – Infection Prevention And Control Specialist Training
  4. Ontario Health Agency- Emergency Response, Management & Evacuation Readiness (TGHC)
  5. Canada DND Training - Pandemic Planning & Response incl Terrorist Attacks & Natural Disasters           
  6. DFAIT Canada-KIC Training & Knowledge Anti Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing
  7. Osgoode Hall – Procurement Office – Contract Creation, Execution, Risk, Mitigation and Management


  1. Secretary – Canada Premier Softball Cricket League 1 year (Current)
  2. Chairperson & Compliance Director EHPH-Epilepsy Halton Peel Hamilton – 8 years
  3. Founder & President AFIC- Assisting Families In Crisis – 27 years
  4. Founder & Chair- Canadian Caribbean Chamber of Commerce – 6 Years
  5. Regional Chair PMAC- Purchasing Management Association of Canada Ontario District – 5 years
  6. Vice President (Communication) - MIRANET (Mississauga Residents Association Network) - 4 years
  7. President – Lisgar Resident Association 9 years
  8. Chairperson & Founder CCSCA- Continuing Care Supply Chain Alliance - 6 years
  9. Director & Member Canada Day Together Festival Committee-5 years
  10. Director Programs – PMAC Mississauga District -11 years                   
  11. President TTBCC- Trinidad & Tobago Business Council of Canada – 7 years
  12. Community Ambassador- Canadian Pakistani Friendship Association -3 years
  13. Treasurer & Financial Controller – Mississauga Christian School Society - 5 years        
  14. Facilitator & Co-ordinator – Mississauga Mayor Prayer Breakfast - 9 years
  15. Coach & Convenor – North Mississauga Soccer Club - 14 years

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
Making Mississauga a GREAT CITY. Delivering Accountable, Transparent and Good Governance at Mississauga City Hall eradicating all Corrupt and Unethical Prtices to deliver service of value to residents and remove waste that keeps contributing to increasing property taxes.

I would roll back property taxes, eliminate the storm water levy, reduce the size of council which would have an $8M reducing impact to property taxes—, amalgamate the region of PEEL— savings/cost avoidance of $43M to reducing property taxes— and I would introduce new revenue generating streams which is guaranteed to bring in $103M annually contributing to reducing property taxes.

To make living affordable, I would increase Rental Resident Registration and Licensing which will keep track of inventory. I would remove the 3 hour street parking limits and allow overnight parking by issuing a permit which would reduce enforcement haggles. I would also amend a bylaw which would allow parking on boulevards and lawn spaces. I would amend zoning to allow residential units to be built in industrial areas and above commercial buildings and box stores. I would continue the project with CMHC to build modular units using prefabrication and materials made from recycled products.

To reduce crime, namely auto thefts, I would launch a technological solution where you would be informed if your vehicle is being stolen and have the ability to immobilize your vehicle all from your phone. You would also be able to track your vehicle by syncing auto computers. A specially installed unit would also be introduced to allow access to deactivating the engine.

VOTE FOR DOOKIE! For more information, visit

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