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Society & Government

Government favouritism and conflicts of interest platforms

Here's what the 2025 Ontario election parties are promising.
We don't have any PC policies on Government favouritism and conflicts of interest.


  • Strengthen lobbying rules and the Members Integrity Act

    "The Ontario NDP will strengthen lobbying rules and the Members Integrity Act, ensuring decisions are made in the public’s best interest— not for profit-driven political friends." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Investigate the previous government's deals

    ""Lead an across-government effort to spend taxpayers’ money wisely and invest the savings back into economic stimulus and health care.

    Investigate all of Doug Ford’s giveaways, handouts, and sweetheart deals for his rich friends, including the:

    $1.9 billion spent on speeding up the sale of booze by multinational corporations, big grocers, and foreign retail giants

    $100 million deal with Elon Musk (noted Donald Trump insider) and Starlink Snap closure of the Ontario Science Centre on land primed for development

    $2 billion sell-off of Ontario Place to a foreign-owned spa

    Sweetheart deal to open ServiceOntario outlets in private American-owned stores $8 billion Greenbelt giveaway to his friends and donors, an issue that is currently being investigated by the RCMP

    Dozens of crony patronage appointments at public institutions like the LCBO, Ontario Power Generation, the Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee and more

    MZO’s Doug Ford gave to his rich buddies"

    Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Require a five-year cooling off period before MPPs and government advisors can register as lobbyists

Looking for the parties' positions on other topics?

See our full 2025 Ontario election platform comparison