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Jobs, Businesses, & Labour

Inter-provincial business and trade platforms

Here's what the 2025 Ontario election parties are promising.


  • Remove all remaining party-specific exemptions following a final assessment under the Canada Free Trade Agreement

    "Removing all of Ontario’s remaining party-specific exemptions following a final assessment under the Canada Free Trade Agreement and encouraging all other provinces to follow suit." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Sign Regulatory Recognition Agreements to recognise regulatory standards and certifications in other provinces for key industries

    "Fighting red tape that blocks interprovincial trade by recognizing regulatory standards and certifications across Canada with Regulatory Recognition Agreements for key sectors such as trucking. These will ensure that a good or service that is sold or used in one province or territory can be readily sold or used in all provinces and territories by default." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Create a $50M fund to support businesses that make near-term investments to service inter-provincial customers or new markets, or re-shore

    "Investing $50 million to launch the new Ontario Together Trade Fund to support businesses that make near-term investments to service more interprovincial customers, develop new markets and re-shore critical supply chains." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Streamline inter-provincial credential recognition for certified professionals and expand exemptions to more occupations

    "Supporting labour mobility across Canada by streamlining credential recognition for certified professionals, expanding existing exemptions to more credentialed occupations and reducing existing labour mobility exceptions." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Allow direct-to-consumer inter-provincial sales of alcohol products

    "Immediately enabling direct-to-consumer sales of alcohol products with all willing provinces and territories, which will provide new markets for Ontario wineries, breweries, cideries and distilleries and more choice for Ontario consumers, as well as for producers and consumers across Canada." —, retrieved 2025-02-20


  • Find new customers for Algoma Steel in Sault St. Marie, Vale mining in Sudbury, and the forestry industry

    "We will find new customers for Algoma Steel in Sault St. Marie, Vale mining operations in Sudbury, that will benefit the thousands of Northerners employed in mining operations and related industries, and the thousands employed in the forestry industry." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20


  • Adopt a policy of mutual recognition of skills and regulated professions with other provinces

    "Work with other provinces to eliminate nonsensical interprovincial trade barriers by adopting a policy of mutual recognition of skills and regulated professions and building a truly Team Canada approach to growth and diversification." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Green policies on Inter-provincial business and trade.

Looking for the parties' positions on other topics?

See our full 2025 Ontario election platform comparison