This is a page from the 2025 Ontario general election.
Health & Healthcare platforms
Here's what the candidates in Scarborough North, and their parties, are promising.Drugs and addiction
Enforce a ban on safe consumption sites within 200m of schools and licensed child-care centres
Enforce a ban on municipalities or organisations from starting new safe consumption sites or participating in safe supply initiatives
Enforce a ban on municipalities requesting the decriminalisation of illicit drugs from the federal government
Emergency wait-times
We don't have any Liberal policies on Emergency wait-times.
We don't have any PC policies on Emergency wait-times.
Restore 24/7 emergency services to Welland Hospital
Family doctors and primary care
Francophone health
Gender-affirming care
We don't have any Liberal policies on Gender-affirming care.
We don't have any PC policies on Gender-affirming care.
Health administration and privatisation
We don't have any PC policies on Health administration and privatisation.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Health administration and privatisation.
Health staffing
Bring nurse practitioners into the public system and ban private-pay nurse practitioner clinics
Provide opportunities for skilled trades and health care workers through union-led training programmes
End reliance on private, for-profit nursing agencies
Increase the number of nurses, including hiring at least 15,000 nurses over the next three years
We don't have any Liberal policies on Hospitals.
We don't have any PC policies on Hospitals.
Build a new hospital for Brandford, and another for the Durham Region
Restore service to Fort Erie and Port Colborne Urgent Care
Expedite the Windsor-Essex Regional Hospital
Restore 24/7 emergency services to Welland Hospital
Build a new hospital for Brampton, with a Cancer Care Centre
Long-term care
Mental health
Natal care
Prescription drugs and pharmacare
We don't have any Liberal policies on Prescription drugs and pharmacare.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Prescription drugs and pharmacare.
Seniors' health and wellbeing
We don't have any PC policies on Seniors' health and wellbeing.
Provide a Seniors Home Safety Grant to help with renovations
Stop the privatisation of home care and long-term care
Match long-term care and home care workers to communities where they have shared culture and language skills