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Jobs, Businesses, & Labour platforms

Here's what the candidates in Scarborough—Guildwood, and their parties, are promising.


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  • Invest $100M to increase the Risk Management Program

    "Investing $100 million to increase the Risk Management Program to enhance support for farmers and the province’s $51 billion agri-food sector. This increase will support farmers in responding to market challenges while boosting their long-term business confidence and competitiveness." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26


  • Remove the cap from the Risk Management Program

    "To address the threat of Trump tariffs on agricultural products like pork, beef, grain products and fresh vegetables, an Ontario NDP government would completely remove the cap from the Risk Management Program, ensuring the government has the tools it needs to protect Ontario farmers from Cochrane to Algoma, and the jobs they support." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Stop plans to convert 770 acres of farmland in the Wilmot area into an industrial area

    "We will protect prime farmland and stop the unfair and secretive Wilmot land grab, focusing development sensibly and cost-effectively within existing urban boundaries." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Create a universal school food programme, using fresh food prepared and grown in-province

    "Feed students. Kids can’t learn on an empty stomach. Families are facing record high grocery bills, and inflation from tariffs could drive up costs even further. We’ll create a universal School Food Program so that every child in Ontario is set up to succeed. Ontario already feeds some kids in school, we’ll expand it for all and use fresh food prepared and grown right here in Ontario to do it. We can help kids focus on their teacher, not their hunger, and give families some financial relief." —, retrieved 2025-02-20


  • Create a programme to pay farmers for environmental goods and services

    "Introduce a provincial program to pay farmers for environmental goods and services by working with organisations such as Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS)" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Develop local, sustainable food procurement guidelines for public institutions

    "Prioritise Ontario-grown food by developing local, sustainable procurement guidelines for public institutions" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Invest in local food hubs

    "Invest in local food hubs to support local farmers, supply chains and businesses" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Provide tax incentives for local food and beverage manufacturers who purchase inputs grown in Ontario
  • Support supply management

    "Support supply management and defend Ontario food and farmers in trade negotiations" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create an Ontario Foodbelt to permanently protect prime farmland from being lost to non-agricultural uses

    "Create an Ontario Foodbelt to permanently protect prime farmland from being lost to non-agricultural uses, such as urban sprawl, highways, and gravel mining" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Increase funding, remove the cap, and expand business risk management programmes
  • Increase provincial investment in agricultural technology

    "Increase provincial investment in AgTech to support innovation in the food and farming sector including research into low-carbon grain drying and greenhouse heating solutions" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create a food processing infrastructure fund to support investments by Ontario-based companies in food processing facilities
  • Freeze urban boundaries and reverse recent boundary expansions
  • Eliminate property tax penalties for farmers with small-scale, value-added production facilities on farms
  • Ensure the grocery retailer code of conduct is mandatory, enforceable, transparent, and benefits customers and farmers

    "Ensure the existing Federal-Provincial-Territorial grocery retailer code of conduct is mandatory, enforceable, transparent, and benefits both customers and farmers" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Promote training in specialty programmes focused on sustainable practices and soil health within agricultural schools and extension services

    "Promote training in specialty programs that focus on sustainable practices and soil-health within agricultural schools and extension services" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Arts and culture

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We don't have any PC policies on Arts and culture.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Arts and culture.


  • Strongly support Ontario Creates and Ontario Arts Council programmes

    "And we will strongly support Ontario Creates and Ontario Arts Council programs to ensure people throughout the arts and culture sector have the support and respect they need." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Grow and promote francophone book publishing, film and television, live performance, and cultural festivals

    "We will also partner with Ontario’s francophone community to grow and promote book publishing, film and television, live performance, and cultural festivals in French — a key thread in the tapestry of our province." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Green policies on Arts and culture.

Forestry and forest conservation

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  • Prioritise shovel-ready projects that diversify biomass, mill residual, and pulpwood markets, including biomass electricity generation

    "Building on our more than $100 million Forest Sector Strategy by prioritizing shovel-ready projects that will help diversify biomass, mill residual and pulpwood markets, including more forest biomass electricity generation facilities across northern Ontario." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Invest $20M more in the Forest Access Roads Program

    "Investing $20 million to enhance the Forest Access Roads Program to strengthen these vital northern Ontario infrastructure networks that are used for resource development, recreation, Indigenous communities and emergency responders." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Invest $75M for a new Pulp Sector Revitalization Program

    "Investing $75 million for a new Pulp Sector Revitalization Program to incentivize new investments in pulp mills that improve productivity and enable these mills to stay competitive in the global market." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

We don't have any Liberal policies on Forestry and forest conservation.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Forestry and forest conservation.
We don't have any Green policies on Forestry and forest conservation.

Gig and contract workers

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We don't have any PC policies on Gig and contract workers.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Gig and contract workers.


  • Classify app-based gig workers as employees
  • Modernise the Employment Standareds Act to protect all workers

    "We will legally recognize democratically- ratified union agreements covering gig workers and modernize the Employment Standards Act to ensure all workers are protected through strong, modern and enforced labour standards legislation." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Legally recognise democratically-ratified union agreements covering gig workers


  • Expand the Employment Standards Act to include all workers and end exemptions and loopholes

    "Protect gig workers by expanding the Employment Standards Act to include all workers, close loopholes and end exemptions to the law. This means ensuring at least minimum wage for all hours of work from app sign-in until sign-out" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Classify gig workers as employees with full employment rights and full and equal access to benefits programmes like EI, CPP, and WSIB

    "Classify gig workers as employees with full employment rights and full and equal access to benefits programs like EI, CPP, and WSIB" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Make gig work count towards Permanent Residency applications
  • Ensure at least a minimum wage for all hours of work from app sign-in until sign-out
  • Mandate that temp agency workers earn the same and have the same protections, and become full hired employees after 3 months

    "Mandate that temp agency workers earn the same and have the same workplace protections as directly hired workers when they do the same work, and that temp workers must become full hired employees after three months." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Inter-provincial business and trade

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  • Remove all remaining party-specific exemptions following a final assessment under the Canada Free Trade Agreement

    "Removing all of Ontario’s remaining party-specific exemptions following a final assessment under the Canada Free Trade Agreement and encouraging all other provinces to follow suit." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Sign Regulatory Recognition Agreements to recognise regulatory standards and certifications in other provinces for key industries

    "Fighting red tape that blocks interprovincial trade by recognizing regulatory standards and certifications across Canada with Regulatory Recognition Agreements for key sectors such as trucking. These will ensure that a good or service that is sold or used in one province or territory can be readily sold or used in all provinces and territories by default." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Create a $50M fund to support businesses that make near-term investments to service inter-provincial customers or new markets, or re-shore

    "Investing $50 million to launch the new Ontario Together Trade Fund to support businesses that make near-term investments to service more interprovincial customers, develop new markets and re-shore critical supply chains." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Streamline inter-provincial credential recognition for certified professionals and expand exemptions to more occupations

    "Supporting labour mobility across Canada by streamlining credential recognition for certified professionals, expanding existing exemptions to more credentialed occupations and reducing existing labour mobility exceptions." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Allow direct-to-consumer inter-provincial sales of alcohol products

    "Immediately enabling direct-to-consumer sales of alcohol products with all willing provinces and territories, which will provide new markets for Ontario wineries, breweries, cideries and distilleries and more choice for Ontario consumers, as well as for producers and consumers across Canada." —, retrieved 2025-02-20


  • Adopt a policy of mutual recognition of skills and regulated professions with other provinces

    "Work with other provinces to eliminate nonsensical interprovincial trade barriers by adopting a policy of mutual recognition of skills and regulated professions and building a truly Team Canada approach to growth and diversification." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Find new customers for Algoma Steel in Sault St. Marie, Vale mining in Sudbury, and the forestry industry

    "We will find new customers for Algoma Steel in Sault St. Marie, Vale mining operations in Sudbury, that will benefit the thousands of Northerners employed in mining operations and related industries, and the thousands employed in the forestry industry." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

We don't have any Green policies on Inter-provincial business and trade.

Labour protections

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We don't have any PC policies on Labour protections.


  • Return to a simple card certification system for forming unions

    "We’ll make it easier to form a union and collect the bigger paycheque that comes with it, by returning to a simple card certification system." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Mandate equal pay, a living wage, and 10 days of paid leave

    "We will continue to champion real reforms that benefit workers that have been rejected by the Ford government including: 10-days paid leave; equal pay; anti-scab legislation, and enforcement of workplace law violations, including severe penalties for unsafe work conditions." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

    "We will continue to propose real reforms that benefit workers that have been rejected by the Ford government including: 10-days paid leave; a living wage; equal pay; anti-scab legislation, and enforcement against workplace law violations, including severe penalties for unsafe work conditions." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Ban the practice of "deeming"

    "We will put an end to the practice of deeming where injured workers are ‘deemed’ to be able to work phantom jobs they don’t have." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Ban the use of replacement workers during job disputes
  • Overhaul the WSIB system to better protect worker health and safety

    "We will overhaul the WSIB system to better protect the health and safety of all Ontario workers, protect them and their families in case of injury or disease at work, and provide stability for Ontario businesses." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Implement ten provincially-legislated paid sick days for all
  • End the practice of "deeming"

    "Immediately end the practice of deeming, whereby the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) unfairly cuts benefits for injured workers" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Ban employers from requiring a sick note form a medical practitioner when an employee is ill
  • Make it easier to form unions by extending card-based certification to all sectors and implement an industry-wide bargaining model

    "Make it easier to form unions by ex- tending card-based certification to all sectors and implement an industry-wide bargaining model" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Legislate equal pay for equal work

    "Legislate equal pay for equal work and put an end to wage theft" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22


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  • Continue to invest in the electric vehicle and battery auto pact, even if the US pulls back on its investments

    "Maintaining Ontario’s financial contributions to the electric vehicle and battery auto pact, which has attracted more than $45 billion in global investments in the province, including by Stellantis and LG Energy Solutions in Windsor and Volkswagen in St Thomas. A re-elected PC government would continue to make these investments regardless of any decision by the U.S. on the future of the IRA.

    Advocating that the federal government do the same, whoever is in office." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Invest an additional $100M in the Better Jobs Ontario programme to provide skills training

    "Investing an additional $100 million in the Better Jobs Ontario program to help workers access skills training and transition into in-demand jobs, including a fast-track stream for workers in sectors that are vulnerable to trade disruptions." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • If layoffs happen, invest $38M to provide immediate employment transition supports to affected workers

    "Investing $38 million to mobilize action centres in the event of layoffs to provide immediate employment transition supports to affected workers, including job retraining assistance, career counselling and more." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Invest an additional $1B in the Skills Development Fund

    "Investing an additional $1 billion in the Skills Development Fund, on top of the existing $1.5 billion investment, to urgently expand existing training and employment programs and help workers gain valuable skills for rewarding careers in the skilled trades." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

We don't have any Liberal policies on Manufacturing.


  • Provide income-tested electric vehicle rebates, with some electric vehicles produced overseas exempted from incentives

    "We will help Ontario drivers make the switch to EVs to save money and support Ontario’s auto sector, with income-tested rebates towards the purchase of an eligible new or used battery-electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid. Electric Vehicles produced overseas will be exempt from incentives where corporate leadership are hell-bent on destroying the Canadian economy." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Double the maximum amount and broaden the eligibility of the Ontario Made Manufacturing Tax Credit, and extend its life to 10 years

    "We will expand the Ontario Made Manufacturing Tax Credit, doubling the maximum amount and broadening the eligibility to include advanced manufacturing applications, and we'd extend the life of the tax credit to 10 years to enable long term investment." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Require the Ontario Line subway project to have 25% Canadian content

    "We will restore Canadian Content requirements that Ford changed for the Ontario Line subway project back to 25 per cent, to make sure Ontario transit projects use Ontario made vehicles like those built in Thunder Bay. Northern communities have lost thousands of good paying manufacturing jobs since 2018. We will work with unions, employers and communities in Algoma, Timmins, Scheiber and Terrace Bay to protect jobs and the communities built around industries." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

We don't have any Green policies on Manufacturing.

Mining and minerals

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  • Speed up permitting, streamline requirements, and provide financing for mining where multiple critical mineral deposits are likely present

    "Designating regions where multiple critical mineral deposits are present or likely to be present, including the Ring of Fire, as regions of strategic importance for Ontario’s economy and security to support the needs of North American supply chains (including in the defence, automotive and energy sectors), triggering accelerated and parallel permitting, streamlined requirements, certainty around consultation timelines, and financial and other resources to support economic participation for First Nations partners. Within these regions of strategic importance, pre-approved project proponents that meet high operating, safety and environmental standards will be granted automatic approval to proceed with early works once they’ve met duty to consult obligations with ongoing oversight and inspection by relevant provincial ministries, agencies and authorities." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Use AI to cut regulations

    "Safely and securely leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to further accelerate the identification and implementation of red tape and regulatory burden reduction across all of government." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Launch a new $3B First Nations Opportunities Financing Program to support First Nations equity participation in expanded sectors

    "Launching a new $3 billion First Nations Opportunities Financing Program that would triple the province’s existing $1 billion Aboriginal Loan Guarantee Program to support First Nations equity participation in an expanded set of sectors, including electricity, critical minerals, resource development and related infrastructure components, offering generational economic opportunities for First Nations in Ontario." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Create new scholarship opportunities for First Nations students pursuing careers in resource development

    "Creating new scholarship opportunities for First Nations students interested in pursuing careers in resource development in collaboration with our world class post-secondary institutions." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Deputise a permitting and approvals czar

    "Deputize a permitting and approvals czar within Ontario’s Lean Team focused on clearing the pathway for new job creating investments and sectors such as mining, manufacturing and infrastructure projects." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Invest $70M to expand the Aboriginal Participation Fund to consult with Indigenous communities and train for First Nations workers

    "Investing $70 million to expand the Aboriginal Participation Fund, which enables meaningful consultation with Indigenous communities in support of key projects, including mining exploration and development. The fund will also now be used to train First Nations workers so that they are able to directly benefit from critical mineral development." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Legislate a one-project, one-process approach for all mining developments

    "Legislating a One-Project, One-Process approach for all mining development to improve efficiency, streamline permitting, provide greater certainty and speed up approvals with service standards timeline guarantees for provincial regulatory approvals including the rigorous enforcement of permit and approval timelines enshrined within Ontario’s Mining Act to give operators and investors the certainty they need to hire and build. This includes having a dedicated project manager assigned to major projects to help proponents navigate the system and ensure accountability." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Rebuild the permitting process from the ground up

    "Rebuild the permitting process from the ground up, removing anything unnecessary, outdated or redundant that put us at a timeline disadvantage to any other G7 national or subnational jurisdiction, including by further streamlining Ontario’s environmental assessment process, eliminating federal redundancies and harmonizing and bringing common sense conservation principles to species-at-risk requirements." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Create a $500M Critical Minerals Processing Fund to speed up development of processing projects and attract capital investment

    "The PC plan includes $500 million to create a new Critical Minerals Processing Fund that would accelerate development of processing projects, attract private capital investment and speed up key strategic projects across the critical mineral supply chain." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

We don't have any Liberal policies on Mining and minerals.


  • Formally consult with the Matawa Tribal Council First Nations on decisions related to the Ring of Fire

    "We will support a strong Ontario mining sector, and the tens of thousands of good jobs it provides. The piecemeal and bulldozer-first approach of Liberals and Conservatives has failed to develop the Ring of Fire. We will begin a formal consultation process with the Matawa Tribal Council First Nations members, and other impacted First Nations on decisions related to the Ring of Fire to create generational infrastructure, jobs, and revenue sharing opportunities in the North, and help get critical minerals to power Ontario’s future." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Sign resource revenue agreements to share revenues equitably with First Nations, with First Nations receiving 100% of mining tax revenues

    "An NDP government will ensure, through resource revenue agreements that revenues are equitably shared and flow to First Nations, including 100% of mining tax revenues." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Formalise a commitment to a tripartite consultation process on any proposed resource extraction plan impacting First Nations territories

    "And we’ll formalize our commitment to a tripartite consultation process between First Nations rights holders, the provincial government, and resource industries on any proposed plan impacting First Nations territories." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Green policies on Mining and minerals.


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We don't have any PC policies on Poverty.


  • Permanently double the Ontario Disability Support Program benefits and index it to inflation

    "Permanently double the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits and index it to inflation so that Ontario’s most vulnerable are not left behind." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Double social assistance rates for ODSP and OW

    "We will double social assistance rates for ODSP and OW to get people out of deep poverty and boost the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit program to help more people move out of shelters into homes, freeing up shelter beds in the process." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Increase the minimum wage to $20/hour and index to inflation
  • Consult with people who have experienced poverty and existing social assistance when designing programmes and services to address poverty

    "Include meaningful consultation with people who have lived experience with poverty and existing social assistance programs in the design of all programs and services aimed at client-centred approaches for reducing poverty" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Annually report disaggregated data on the proportion of the population experiencing chronic food insecurity
  • Phase in a basic income, with an initial doubling of ODSP and OW rates and elimination of unfair clawbacks

    "Phase in a Basic Income, with the first step being to at least double the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW) rates and get rid of aggressive and unfair clawbacks, including clawbacks from the Canada Disability Benefit

    1. Eliminate any unnecessary red tape, reporting requirements, and other barriers typically faced by those needing financial support
    2. Remove ODSP from the purview of Employment Ontario
    3. Ensure shelter allowances reflect the shelter costs where people live"

    Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Ban payday lending, and work with credit unions to develop a ow-cost, small loan alternative

    "Prohibit “payday” lending that takes advantage of those facing financial hardship and work with credit unions to develop a low-cost, small loan alter- native to help people get out of debt." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Restaurants and bars

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  • Increase the LCBO wholesale discount from 10% to 15%

    "$120 million to support approximately 18,000 bars and restaurants by increasing the LCBO wholesale discount from 10 per cent to 15 per cent." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

We don't have any Liberal policies on Restaurants and bars.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Restaurants and bars.


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  • Invest $200M for the Shipbuilding Grant Program

    "Investing $200 million for the Shipbuilding Grant Program under Ontario’s Marine Transportation Strategy to help make Ontario’s shipbuilding industry a full regional partner under the federal government’s National Shipbuilding Strategy and secure Canadian contracts to build, retrofit, and repair Canadian Navy ships in Ontario." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

We don't have any Liberal policies on Ship-building.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Ship-building.
We don't have any Green policies on Ship-building.

Startups and small businesses

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  • Provide $3B in payroll tax and premium relief for small businesses
  • Provide $50M more to Venture Ontario

    "Providing $50 million more to Venture Ontario, the province’s venture capital agency, to make dedicated capital fund investments to support domestic start-ups in strategic technology areas that support our national defence." —, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Create an investment tax credit for companies developing technologies that support national defence

    "Creating a new Defence Security Investment Tax Credit to attract greater investment and job creation in the province and help meet our two per cent of GDP NATO commitment, including by supporting investments in innovative critical technologies such as artificial intelligence and cybersecurity to support the future of defence technologies." —, retrieved 2025-02-20


  • Create a strategy to make Ontario competitive at attracting talent, starting a business, fixed cost affordability, and consumer protection

    "Launch an Ontario Growth Strategy to ensure Ontario becomes a competitive place to attract talent, set up and grow a business, afford fixed costs such as clean energy and rent, and have best-in-class consumer protections." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Mandate post-secondary institutions to focus on generating intellectual property and commercialising their skills, technologies, and ideas

    "Establish a province-wide policy mandating post-secondary institutions to increase their focus on IP generation and commercialization, and business adoption of skills, technologies, and ideas." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Provide tax credits for employers who hire young people through paid co-op, internship, and apprenticeship programmes

    "Cut youth unemployment by half by creating 40,000 new paid co-op, internship and apprenticeship positions through tax credits for employers who hire young people." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Reduce small business taxes by 50%

    "Make it easier for small businesses to compete with big box stores by slashing small business taxes by 50%, delivering up to $18,000 of tax relief to the roughly 450,000 businesses that employ almost three million people." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Work with the federal government to allow owners to form employee ownership trusts, and incentivise employee-owned co-operatives

    "We will work with the federal government to support succession planning, allowing owners to form employee ownership trusts and put in place incentives for the creation of trusts and employee- owned co-operatives." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • We will not increase taxes on Ontario small businesses
  • Ensure a Buy Ontario plan strategically procures from small- and medium-sized businesses

    "We will ensure that our Buy Ontario plan engages in strategic government procurement from small and medium sized enterprises, leveraging Ontario purchasing power to support Ontario talent." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Double the Career Ready Program to help colleges and universities provide paid co-op and internship opportunities

    "We will double Ontario’s Career Ready Program so Ontario colleges and universities can create additional work- integrated learning opportunities. We’d create thousands of new, paid co-op and internship opportunities for young people." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Look into changes for commercial rental protections

    "We will work with the small business community to develop and deliver the supports they need to create good jobs, including looking at changes to commercial rental protections." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Create a fund to assist aspiring entrepreneurs with business purchases

    "Establish a NextGen Ownership Fund to assist aspiring entrepreneurs with business purchases" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create a fund to support green tech start-ups
  • Create a Commercial Renter's Bill of Rights and create standardised leases

    "Implement a Commercial Renter’s Bill of Rights to protect small businesses from unexpected cost increases and ensure business stability and continuity" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

    "Create standardised leases to ensure fairness and transparency and ensure that priority is given to existing tenants when leases are up for renewal" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Simplify employee ownership trusts and corporation-to-worker co-op conversions

    "Support new buyers or employees to purchase existing small businesses upon the owner’s retirement by simplifying employee ownership trusts and corporation to worker co-op con- versions." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Increase the employer health tax exemption to $1.5M so small businesses can hire more workers
  • Amend zoning rules to allow for small businesses such as corner stores and cafes to open within residential neighbourhoods
  • Review regulations to remove ones that disproportionately affect small businesses

    "Undertake a review of regulations in order to weed out red tape and costs that disproportionately affect small businesses" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Work with insurance providers to develop an affordable commercial insurance programme for small businesses


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We don't have any PC policies on Tourism.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Tourism.


  • Bring back the Stay-cation Tax Credit to encourage tourism and travel within Ontario

    "We will bring back the Stay-cation Tax Credit to encourage tourism and travel within Ontario. This will help stabilize Niagara region tourism recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and the threat of tariffs." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

We don't have any Green policies on Tourism.


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  • Require all electrical workers to be registered apprentices or have a certificate of qualification

    "Doug Ford renewed the Ontario PCs’ commitment to enforce compulsory certification in the electrical trade and ensure all electrical workers in Ontario are registered apprentices or have a certificate of qualification." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Provide $165M for an initiative to help workers earn a paycheque in the skilled trades while receiving in-class and on-the-job training

    "$165 million for a “Learn and Earn” initiative to help workers earn a paycheque in the skilled trades while receiving in-class and on-the-job training . Key initiatives include:

    1. $120 million to expand the existing Apprenticeship Development Benefit, including a new On-The-Job Training Support Stream to cover up to $2,500 for dependent care, learning supports and transportation costs .
    2. $30 million to expand the existing Apprenticeship Completion Bonus that offers a grant of $2,000 for apprentices who complete either a Red Seal or Non-Red Seal trades certification .
    3. $15 million to extend and expand the Tools Grant program to support apprentices with the cost of tools and equipment for their trade by increasing and standardizing the amount eligible to $1,000 for all in-scope trades ."

    Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26


  • Provide tax credits for employers who hire young people through paid co-op, internship, and apprenticeship programmes

    "Cut youth unemployment by half by creating 40,000 new paid co-op, internship and apprenticeship positions through tax credits for employers who hire young people." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Provide opportunities for skilled trades and health care workers through union-led training programmes


  • Create thousands of new jobs in residential construction, and keep skilled labour employed during market slowdowns

    "Homes Ontario will help create thousands of new jobs in residential construction, while keeping skilled labour employed in periods of market slowdown." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Continue investment into the Skills Development Fund and workers' training centres

    "We will support pathways into the skilled trades, from shop classes to those seeking a career change later in life, with continued investment in the Skills Development Fund and workers’ training centres across the province." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Fund colleges appropriately so they can offer programmes for training in the trades
  • Retrofit 40% of existing homes and workplaces to net zero by 2035, and 100% by 2045

    "Create hundreds of thousands of new jobs by retrofitting 40% of existing homes and workplaces to net zero by 2035, and 100% by 2045" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Provide a year of free college tuition and a year-long apprenticeship to 60,000 people to develop skills and experience in the green economy

    "Give 60,000 people the skills and experience to work in the green economy through a year of free college tuition plus a year long apprenticeship when they graduate" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Trump's Tariffs

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  • Create a new $5B Protect Ontario Account to support major industries and workers, including with financial support programmes

    "$5 billion to support the resiliency of major industries and workers through a new Protect Ontario Account to ensure Ontario is ready for all scenarios if widespread tariffs are imposed. This includes financial support programs that would help large-scale industrial job creators in the province address operational challenges, reshore supply chains, restructure and re-tool to find new customers and keep workers employed." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Enhance termination and severance rights for workers affected by tariff-related layoffs and closures
  • Provide $3B in payroll tax and premium relief for small businesses
  • Increase the LCBO wholesale discount from 10% to 15%

    "$120 million to support approximately 18,000 bars and restaurants by increasing the LCBO wholesale discount from 10 per cent to 15 per cent." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Prioritise Ontario steel and forestry products in infrastructure projects and purchase Ontario-made vehicles for government use

    "Leveraging Ontario’s nearly $30 billion in annual provincial procurement, in addition to the $200 billion in Ontario’s plan to build, to prioritize Ontario steel, forestry products and other inputs for provincial infrastructure projects, purchase Ontario-made vehicles for government use and help local innovators access more government procurement opportunities. We will also ask and encourage municipalities to do the same in order to protect Ontario jobs and create new opportunities for Ontario and Canadian workers and businesses through their procurements." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Provide a six-month deferral of provincially-administered business taxes

    "$10 billion in cash-flow support for Ontario employers through a six-month deferral of provincially administered taxes on Ontario businesses." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Provide $40M to support municipalities and communities that face major economic disruption from new tariffs

    "$40 million for a new Trade-Impacted Communities Program to support municipalities and communities that face major economic disruption stemming from new tariffs." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Provide $600M for the Invest Ontario Fund

    "$600 million for the Invest Ontario Fund so Ontario can continue attracting investments that create jobs in key sectors, including advanced manufacturing, life sciences and technology." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Expand the Ontario Made Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit

    "$300 million to expand the Ontario Made Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit to support more businesses that invest in buildings, machinery and equipment that are used for manufacturing and processing in Ontario, including investments to retool and onshore supply chains." —, retrieved 2025-02-19


  • Create a new fund to backstop Ontario businesses with lower-than-market interest rates

    "Backstop Ontario businesses with a new Fight Tariffs Fund that gives them access to lower-than-market interest rates (government rates)." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Exclude American companies like Elon Musk's Starlink from government procurement

    "Ensure Ontario taxpayer dollars support local businesses and jobs by excluding American companies like Elon Musk’s Starlink from procurement." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Work with affected industries, alongside labour unions, to defend jobs and help businesses find new markets

    "We will work with affected industries in auto, agriculture and steel, and tourism, alongside labour unions, to defend every job, help businesses find new markets, promote Ontario-made goods and direct government to procure locally." — _On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara_, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Create an emergency fund to provide direct payments to businesses impacted by US tariffs, requiring job retention and fair practices

    "We will launch the Ontario Tariff Fund, an emergency measure providing direct payments to businesses impacted by U.S. tariffs, requiring job retention and fair practices, and filling the gaps of any federal programs to support critical Ontario industries." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Strengthen and diversify Ontario's trade and investment relationships with democratic allies

    "We will strengthen and diversify Ontario's trade relationships. We will seek out new trade relationships to find new markets for made-in-Ontario products, and encourage investment in Ontario with our democratic allies, instead of betting it all on Donald Trump." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Launch a Buy Ontario campaign to promote Ontario goods

    "We will also direct the provincial government and provincially-funded entities to adopt Buy Ontario public procurement policies to offset the impact of tariffs on Ontario food exporters." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Negotiate a joint federal-provincial income assistance programme to support people affected by tarrifs
  • Remove provincial income tax on any income supports for workers who experience tariff-related job loss
  • Direct government agencies to prioritise Canadian goods in procurement processes

    "We will immediately direct provincial agencies to prioritize Canadian goods in their procurement processes and will work with the federal government to protect the incomes of workers affected by tariffs." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

    "We will buy Canadian and build Canadian. Canada is rich in resources that fuel Ontario’s economy, and this economic crisis is felt across the country. We will work to improve interprovincial cooperation and remove barriers to interprovincial trade; strengthening our economic resilience, creating jobs, building homes, and stimulating more investment in our economy. We will immediately direct provincial agencies to prioritize Canadian goods in their procurement processes. We will make sure procurement for public infrastructure projects prioritizes Ontario industries and goods like steel, aluminum, lumber, and manufactured goods from impacted sectors." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create a Premier's Council on the Economy with business, labour, and civil society

    "We will launch the Premier’s Council on the Economy, bringing together business, labour, civil society and municipal leaders to coordinate a strong response that protects our economy." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Speed up housing and infrastructure projects that can start immediately

    "We will accelerate housing and infrastructure that can start immediately. We will fast track building housing of all types and sizes and reprioritize critical transit projects like Line 2 in Toronto and GO transit expansion. We will support the industries that need help today with relief measures, to protect Ontario against the economic shock of Trump’s tariffs." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Cancel the $100M contract with Elon Musk's Starlink and replace it with a Canadian alternative

    "We will cancel the Ford government's $100 million contract with Elon Musk’s Starlink and replace it with a Canadian alternative that offers better value and security for Ontario consumers." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Restart the Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program for tariff-impacted industries to get immediate relief on property taxes and energy costs

    "We would restart the Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program for tariff-impacted industries to provide immediate relief on property taxes and energy costs for companies that keep jobs here in Ontario." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Immediately create a tariff taskforce to work across party, jurisdictional, and sectoral lines to negotiate with the States

    "Immediately create a ‘tariff taskforce’ that works across party, jurisdictional and sectoral lines to negotiate with the United States on trade" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Develop a Buy Ontario strategy, and implement public procurement rules to support Ontario businesses and farmers
  • Create a fund for businesses disproportionately impacted by tariffs

    "Create a Protect Ontario Fund for businesses disproportionately impacted by tariffs and make the investments needed to build new supply chains" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create an investment tax credit

    "Create an investment tax credit to unlock business investments in Ontario" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Make investments to build new supply chains
  • Work with other provinces to remove inter-provincial trade barriers
  • Immediately move to aggressively diversify trade partners

Youth unemployment

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  • Provide $705M to expand training capacity at publicly-funded colleges and universities to prepare students for in-demand roles

    "$705 million to expand training capacity in our world-class publicly funded colleges and universities to prepare thousands of additional students for in-demand roles in critical sectors . This includes:

    1. $450 million to support Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programs at publicly funded colleges and universities, expanding the number of funded seats by over 20,000 annually.
    2. $150 million to enhance the In-Class Enhancement Fund (IEF), resulting in nearly 5,000 additional seats annually for in-class apprenticeship training.
    3. $75 million to support construction skilled trades programs at publicly funded colleges and universities to create 2,600 new funded seats in priority construction and infrastructure related programs.
    4. $30 million for an expansion of the Pre-Apprenticeship Programs to help more potential entrants to the apprenticeship system get job-ready in trades, sectors and regions experiencing a skills shortage."

    Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Launch a publicly-available labour market survey to help workers and students identify opportunities

    "Launch a new publicly available labour market survey to provide a detailed assessment of Ontario’s labour market needs by sector and region, with a focus on skilled trades, to help workers and students identify key opportunities across the province . In addition, a re-elected Ontario PC government will better integrate Ontario Works with the programs and services provided by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development to promote more linkages to jobs and labour market participation." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26


  • Provide tax credits for employers who hire young people through paid co-op, internship, and apprenticeship programmes

    "Cut youth unemployment by half by creating 40,000 new paid co-op, internship and apprenticeship positions through tax credits for employers who hire young people." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Double the Career Ready Program to help colleges and universities provide paid co-op and internship opportunities

    "We will double Ontario’s Career Ready Program so Ontario colleges and universities can create additional work- integrated learning opportunities. We’d create thousands of new, paid co-op and internship opportunities for young people." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Set up a Youth Climate Corps to give opportunities for youth to earn a fair wage helping communities reduce emissions and build resiliency

    "We will establish Ontario’s first Youth Climate Corps, giving opportunities to young Ontarians to learn skills and earn a fair wage while helping Ontario communities reduce their emissions, restore their natural environments, and become more resilient in a changing climate." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Green policies on Youth unemployment.